PPG Terms of Reference

Patient Participation Group (PPG) Terms of Reference

These terms of reference shall stand for the period of one year (12 months) from the date of the first meeting, where they were provisionally agreed, and will be reviewed in detail at the next meeting after this period expires.

Aim of the PPG

The aim of this PPG is to develop a positive and constructive relationship between patients, the practice and the community it serves, ensuring the practice remains accountable and responsive to all its patients’ needs.


The name of the group is the Patient Participation Group (PPG) for The Oaks Medical Centre.


  • The PPG is open to any patient over the age of sixteen registered with the practice.
  • It should be reflective of the patient demographic of the practice.
  • The minimum number of patients in the group during this first year is 3; the maximum is 10.
  • The PPG will elect a Chair to run meetings and guide the work of the group.
  • To become a member patients must nominate themselves via one of a variety of communication channels decided by the PPG, which take account of accessibility needs. Currently application for membership is done by submitting an application form via the website. Blank forms will be available from the practice. Membership applications will be discussed individually at the beginning of the next meeting after they are received.
  • Members will normally serve on the PPG for a period of 2 years but may step down at will. If there is a waiting list for spaces on the PPG then after 2 years’ service, members will have to be voted in at the next AGM of the PPG.
  • The PPG may appoint expert advisers where appropriate; for a fixed period of time.
  • Members absent without notice from three consecutive meetings may be thought to have resigned, and could be replaced. Notice of absence must be sent to either the Chair or the Practice, who are then responsible for making apologies at the meeting.
  • The PPG will list its members’ names in newsletters, on the practice website and on the notice board.
  • The officers of the PPG will be the Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. The Secretary position may rotate from meeting to meeting (this must be allocated at the end of each preceding meeting). Additional officers may be appointed at the PPG’s discretion.
  • During its first year, PPG officers will be selected from the members of the PPG by self-nomination and voting at PPG meetings. Thereafter, officers will be nominated by the PPG group and elected by majority vote at the AGM.


In partnership with the practice, the PPG aims to:

  • Act as an advisory group providing perspectives and concerns from patients that can influence how services operate at the practice.
  • Seek patients’ views and communicate areas of patient concern to the practice, with a view to influencing change.
  • Act as a consultative group for any changes at the practice.
  • To encourage and support the role of the practice in involving patients in their own care.
  • Monitor comments received about the practice.
  • Annually review the results of the patient survey and suggest changes as appropriate.
  • Encourage and manage volunteering which supports the work of the practice.
  • Facilitate links with voluntary groups and services within the community.
  • Provide up to date material for any PPG noticeboard and the PPG pages on the practice website.


  • The PPG will meet at least 4 times a year and these meeting dates will be set in advance.
  • Members will send apologies in advance of the meeting if they are unable to attend.
  • Practice staff will send apologies in advance of the meeting if they are unable to attend, allowing enough time for the meeting to be rescheduled if deemed necessary.
  • A practice GP, or deputy and whenever possible the practice manager will attend all PPG meetings to present news of developments within the practice and to respond to issues raised by the PPG.
  • At the discretion of the Chair the GP can be requested to attend part or all of the meeting. Other staff of the practice or other parties from outside the practice may also attend by invitation.
  • Copies of the minutes of meetings will be prepared by or sent to the practice manager for distribution to the practice staff and to be made available to patients on notice boards and through any other communication means deemed to be appropriate.
  • An Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held which all patients can attend. Patients will be suitably notified of when this will occur. This will review membership, project work and activities undertaken by the PPG during the year. Where applicable it will also report on any income and expenditure of the PPG in the previous 12 months.
  • Registered patients may attend PPG meetings as observers to ensure transparency of the operations of the group. This mechanism will be available after the 12 month trial of these Terms of Reference has passed, and the maximum number of observers will be decided then.


  • The practice manager or delegated practice staff member will attend all meetings.
  • The practice will commit to: attending meetings of PPG; taking forward issues and recommendations from the PPG; supplying responses of action taken as a result; and will be party to decisions taken by the PPG.
  • The practice will keep the PPG informed of service developments, and these will be brought for discussion at PPG meetings, which will include exploring how the wider practice population can get involved in these discussions.
  • PPG members will commit to attending meetings or contributing to meetings.
  • PPG members including practice staff will commit and adhere to ground rules.


  • The PPG does not speak on behalf of the practice or represent it.
  • The PPG terms of reference will be available to any patient registered at the practice upon request to either the practice or the PPG.
  • Minutes of the PPG meetings will be available to all patients of the practice, either via a PPG noticeboard in the waiting room or on the PPG pages of the website.

Ground Rules

  • The PPG meeting is not a forum for individual complaints and personal issues.
  • Silence indicates agreement – speak up if you would like your suggestions to be a part of the discussion.
  • Open and honest communication applies to all.
  • All views are valid and will be listened to.
  • Be flexible, listen, ask for help and support each other.
  • No phones or other disruptions.
  • Respect the practice and patient confidentiality at all times.
  • Discrimination on any grounds will not be tolerated.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to delivering results as a group.
  • Start and finish meetings on time and stick to the agenda.
  • Membership of the PPG is a voluntary unpaid position and does not confer any privileges beyond those already available to all practice patients.


The PPG may be dissolved by self-determination if this was felt to be necessary by the group and by a majority vote at a special meeting or AGM. It may also be dissolved by withdrawal of consent for the group by the practice or on closure of the practice. In such an event, any cash belonging to the PPG will be used to benefit the patients.